
Our mission

At grateful for, we're on a mission that goes far beyond skincare. Our mission is to craft sustainable natural and organic solutions that nurture the mind, body, and soul all while inspiring you to incorporate more gratitude in your daily routine. We believe that gratitude has the power to transform not only your skin but also your entire life.

By encouraging a lifestyle of gratitude, or an attitude of gratitude as some would say, we're helping you emit a more positive frequency into the world. Just like a ripple in a pond, this positivity touches everything around you. It's the simple idea that we are all connected and that our energy affects everything and everyone we encounter.

When you choose grateful for, you're not just choosing skincare; you're choosing to be a part of a collective movement toward a brighter, more harmonious world.

our founder

Hello beautiful beings my name is Nikayla. I originally created this brand because my daughter had eczema and would get a really bad drool rash under her neck as a baby. I noticed the commercial products I was using for her were only making her skin worse so I started doing my research on the ingredients in these products. I became aware that a lot of the ingredients in commercial products are quite harmful and simply unnecessary. Once I started creating my own simple and organic products for my baby, her eczema and drool rash vanished completely. I then started creating products for my own skin and began to notice a clearer and brighter complexion instantly as using commercial acne products for years did nothing for my acne. 

I have a B.S. Psychology degree from the University of Central Florida and I am currently studying herbalism.

My message is simple: always harbor good thoughts, for power resides in the strength of your mind. Be grateful for every blessing in your life, and in doing so, attract even more abundance. Together, we can uplift ourselves and the world around us. Peace, happiness, and love to all.